Tuesday 29 October 2019

Politics, Election and Mental Health

I don’t often post political statements on social media. This is because social media has become a cesspit of childish dummy-spitting for topics like politics. I also find people get trapped in continually posting political opinions and only getting themselves more wound up than anything else. Social media seems to have become a place to force opinions on others with the wall of non-personal contact, or to troll for the sole purpose of degrading others. However, we face a crisis in our society and I want to say my little piece at this volatile time.

Politics has changed in the last decade or two. It used to be that you could get away with a little lie here and there, and the rest of the lies behind the scenes. We have a situation now where it’s okay to lie straight to our faces and there be no consequences. The NHS bus situation and promises of funding is a clear example. The NHS is being underfunded when promises were made to invest. How can we as a people let this stand? The conservative party have made cuts in all fundamental areas, and stomped on the principles that good people have fought for over the last 400 years.

Our country has done so many horrific things in the past: use of opium in china, unprecedented horrors in Africa, and subjugation of its own people in poverty and ignorance, to name but a few. That said, as a whole the good people have been doing their best to change our countries future so it isn’t like the past. The hard work to change the terrible past of the British Empire is being destroyed by self serving, cold hearted and cruel people. They care nothing for the people around them. They do a little bit of good, thinking it justifies the neglect they practice almost everywhere else. They don’t see the pains of the hard working people of this country. The teachers, nurses, police, fire fighters, care workers, doctors, and many more need our support. They need less hours and better wages for the incredible sacrifices they make on a daily bases. Without these hard working people our country would collapse. It is collapsing. People are actually dying of stress related mental health struggles, mostly caused by being overworked and not getting the right help when ill.

I was lucky enough to be saved by nurses four years ago when I had a mental and physical health breakdown. However, with the cutbacks now, and the neglect of support for mental health within this country, I believe I wouldn’t make it if I suffered now as I did then. I nearly didn’t make it then. The current environment is increasingly being filled by criminally related mental health patients, which needs its own support facilities, not the ones for those with non-criminal related mental health struggles. It’s likely I wouldn’t be given access to the facilities I got in 2015 due to the incredible high demand at this time. My mental health was so bad I would have killed myself without the support I had. I would have died and not be here to write this. Let that sink in for a moment as I try not to cry while writing this. There are people right now who are dying because they don’t have the support they need. This is because cutbacks are being made in all the wrong places.

The current state of our country is horrible at the grassroots level. There needs to be a dramatic change. We need to get back to a socially responsible society. We need those in positions of power to show love and kindness towards the less financially fortunate. We don’t need to give much in relative terms to support our fellow human beings. We need to move away from the ‘them vs us’ mentality when it comes to those in poverty. Families are relying on foodbanks to survive. It’s fucked up. The selfish, and a lot of the rich (not all obviously), cloud themselves in a, ‘I work hard and they don’t,’ attitude. It’s deluded. Anyone who has worked in the above service type jobs has worked as hard, if not way harder, than most people in this country.  The government is meant to be for the people. We need to vote for those who desire the best for the grassroot people and families. Without this we are going to find ourselves in an even more brutal and self serving environment in the coming years. We need to change things now before we get too far down this destructive path.

I will not tell you which party you should vote for as that is wrong on many levels in my opinion. I simply beg you to consider what I’ve said and open your hearts to love and happiness, not fleeting financial selfishness. The government has the money to support its people, but it has let bankers, financiers, politicians and big companies walk all over the common people. Money is important, but we have been lied to. The money is there to create the jobs, and fund our community’s most important positions. That’s why we get taxed. If the money isn’t there then it’s being used for other things it shouldn’t be. Please make sure you realise that when you make your choice.