Wednesday 13 July 2016

Time To Slow Down Even More

This is a post I put on facebook recently and covers most of what is going on with health at the moment.

Just a random 'explaining' post about things that are going on in the life of Steven (mostly for those in Scotland, but applies to all and explains my lack of contact or visits). I hate posting about what can be seen as negative things going on in my life as they can come across as complaining, but I feel strongly the following post needed to be shared. (doing it via facebook seemed the most efficient way of getting the message out).

Long story short- its the health stuff, which also has a negative impact on money stuff. The health has been getting slowly worse over the years and i've been very very fortunate to cram in a lot while I could. However I can now barely make it through the day without two naps and a good 9/10 hour sleep at night. Whatever is going on with the cfs it has got to the point where I have to be very strict with myself or I get even more ill both physically and mentally. It's an absolute 'insert own level of bad word' to accept but I do accept it.

All this said it means for those, even at a relatively close distance i'm not the friend I once was or want to be. Friendships work two ways and I can barley be a friend anymore at least not the way I was or want to be. I just don't have as much energy or concentration or the emotional control not to get upset, even when doing simple things like writing emails to people. Skype seems to be a good medium, well once I can afford the internet in my place of residence. Once I do have it i'll let people know my skype so perhaps we can keep in touch that way.

For those in Scotland I'm not able to show you how much I love and value your friendships by coming and visiting and giving you hugs the way I want. At least not for now. Things can change and i'm going to try and be strict over the next 6 months in the hope I can gain back some energy, but for now I can't come up. I have a number of things planned (have been for a long while), mostly book related, that are going to use up a lot of effort, but I can't take on anything else or add to my future schedule.

Despite the heartache this causes me I am in good spirits! I have been blessed with so much and learned not to take the simplest things for granted. People have it a lot worse than I do so I will always try to honour what I do have and not complain about what I don't have. I have been beyond fortunate to make new friends here in England that look after me and show me the same kindness like so many special souls that I have met over the years have.

I am waiting on a referral to a cfs specialist in Bristol and doing little social things and book related things when I can to keep me feeling sane and productive. I have no doubts that every experience I have is important and that even though I feel trapped a lot of the time I have gained a greater love for each human on this planet, even though ironically I barely have the energy to show that love by being there for people the way I used to.

Please know that I am happy and still believe there are exciting things ahead for the future. I just have to take it at a snails pace. I may not be successful in the eyes of a materialistic world, but I consider myself infinitely successful because I have such loving friends and family.